“Flor de Nicaragua”

‘To make women’s rights bloom’

In Nicaragua families with a single parent, the mother, are 30.7% of the population. The majority of them have an income level which is below the poverty line (less than 2 dollars a day). In this context, for women, working for their economic freedom is the actual answer to poverty and social and gender inequity.

In an area of Nicaragua where the majority of the population lives below the poverty line, ‘Flor de Nicaragua’ was created, a new trademark that gathers 9 social enterprises and about 220 female workers from different productive sectors (textile, crafts, food, clay processing) to support them in the commercialization of their products, provide them with professional training and paid work.

The project

COSPE’s project promotes forms of auto-organized and associative work as a profitable alternative based on the respect of the environment, dignity of labour, gender equality and equity in income distribution. Your support will contribute to the purchase of new machineries and to cover the necessary costs for the professional training of women, to improve the quality of the production and the commercialization of products.



ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT La Flor de Nicaragua. Red de empresas sociales de mujeres en el occidente de Nicaragua
AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT Leon, Nagarote e Chinandega municipalities, district of Leon and Chinandega, Western region of Nicaragua (Central America)
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT 196 women involved in the 9 social enterprises gathered in the collective trademark “Flor de Nicaragua”.
SUBJECTS THAT JOIN WORK GROUPS Alcaldía Municipal de Nagarote- Oficina de Desarrollo Local- ODEL, Comisión de la Mujer para el Desarrollo de las Empresas Femeninas- COMUDEF, Instituto Nicaragüense de Apoyo a la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa, Delegaciones de León – INPYME, Instituto Nacional Tecnológico, INATECInstituto Nicaragüense de Turismo – INTUR, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería-UNI, Fundación para el desarrollo integral de la Mujer Indígena de Sutiava- Xochilt Acalt
PARTNERS Asociacion Chinantlan – Costruyendo Hermandad
DATES OF THE PROJECT November 2011 – October 2014