Support to Parliament and civil society organisations in Jordan

COSPE – Co-operation for the Development of Emerging Countries is a non profit association (Onlus) operating in the field of international co-operation and solidarity, recognized as a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Union.

COSPE has been shortlisted for the tender “Support to Parliament and civil society organisations in Jordan” with identification number “EuropeAid/134059/C/SER/JO”, Lot. 2.

The overall objective of the “Support to Democratic Governance” programme of which this contract will be a part is to support democratic governance in Jordan

The purpose of this contract is to support Non-State Actors (NSAs) to act as an effective drive for good governance and accountability.

In order to access to the final stage of the tender’s selection, COSPE is looking for the following profiles:

Key expert 1: Team Leader – Governance, legislation and public policy dialogue expert

Max 600 working days

Qualifications and skills

  • University degree (Masters or equivalent) in Political Science, Social Science, Communication, Public Administration or other directly linked discipline or equivalent experience.

General professional experience

  • Ten years of relevant professional experience in the fields of governance / democracy, accountability, capacity building for NSAs and / or civic education.

Proven past experience as team leader;

  • Proven specific experience in the organisation of institutional/capacity building and training activities.

Specific professional experience

  • Previous experience of management of programmes on CSOs capacity building in governance, lobby and advocacy and public policy dialogue.
  • Previous experience of development and institutionalisation of public policy dialogue and P&RIA processes within national governments.
  • Proven understanding of and experience with gender mainstreaming.
  • Proven understanding of and experience in strategic communication and work with the media.
  • Previous experience in Jordan preferred but at least experience in the region (MENA) is required.
  • Previous handbook development experience is an asset.
  • Ability to build strong personal relationships with key figures from all sectors of society, including high level government officials.
  • Excellent organisation and communication skills, including report-writing skills
  • Excellent language and writing skills in English, working knowledge of Arabic preferred


Key expert 2: Gender expert

Max 350 working days

Qualifications and skills

  • University degree (Masters or equivalent) in Gender studies, Political Science, Social Science or other directly related discipline or equivalent experience.

General professional experience

  • Preferably ten years but minimum five years required of relevant professional experience in the field of gender equality
  • Proven specific experience in the organisation of institutional/capacity building and training activities

Specific professional experience

  • Previous experience with developing and implementing gender mainstreaming in national governments, capacity building of gender focal points.
  • Knowledge of international Conventions and Action plans related to gender and sensitivity with respect to translating these to local contexts.
  • Proven experience of working with grassroots women and women CBOs and NGOs on gender equality and gender mainstreaming in local and national policies and legislation, constituency building and networking.
  • Proven understanding of and experience with public policy participation, monitoring and evaluation of policies
  • Proven understanding of and experience in strategic communication and work with the media, related to gender issues
  • Previous experience in Jordan preferred but at least experience in the region (MENA) is required.
  • Ability to build strong personal relationships with key figures from all sectors of society, including high -level government officials.
  • Excellent organisation and communication skills, including report-writing skills.
  • Excellent language and writing skills in English, fluency in Arabic is required


Key expert 3: CSOs development expert

Max 350 working days

Qualifications and skills

  • University degree (Masters or equivalent) in Political Science, Social Science or other directly related discipline or equivalent experience.

General professional experience

  • Ten years of relevant professional experience in developing capacity building for NSAs in aspects related to governance and accountability including at least five years required of relevant professional experience in the field of civil society development
  • Proven specific experience in the development and organisation of institutional/capacity building and training activities.

Specific professional experience

  • Previous experience with developing and implementing comprehensive capacity building programmes for CBOs and NGOs on governance, constituency building, communication, building networks, engagement with the (local) government, advocacy, participation in policy development, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Knowledge of international human rights conventions, treaties and action plans and sensitivity with respect to translating these to local contexts.
  • Understanding of and experience with various forms of network organisations, establishing formal structure, constitution, by-laws etc.
  • Excellent group facilitation skills and sensitivity to cultural and other differences and ability to build bridges.
  • Proven understanding of and experience in strategic communication and work with the media, CSO – media interface, knowledge of new media and social media.
  • Previous experience in Jordan preferred but at least experience in the region (MENA) is required.
  • Proven experience of working with grassroots CBOs and NGOs.
  • Ability to build strong personal relationships with key figures from all sectors of society, including high-level government officials.
  • Excellent organisation and communication skills, including report-writing skills.
  • Excellent language and writing skills in English, fluency in Arabic required.


Countries: Jordan 

Application instructions:

Applications and updated CV (in Word and EU format) should be submitted to: before the 20th of October.

Only internally selected candidates will be contacted

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