Feminine crafts as an instrument of sustainable growth in Palestine

Palestine, which has been undergoing a heavy economic embargo for many years now, suffers from a high unemployment rate, especially among women in the Gaza Strip, where just one woman out of 10 is employed.

COSPE, which has been working in the Middle East for over 20 years, supports Palestinian women and female artisans with concrete actions, aiming to improve the economic conditions of the female population.

More specifically, the project aims to introduce working women in the fair trade production chain, organizing training courses for female artisans in the Gaza Strip, supporting the development of sustainable and innovative marketing strategies and equipping Palestinian female farmers and breeders with the raw materials that are necessary for their activities.

With your precious contribution, you will be able to provide Palestinian women and female artisans with tools that are essential for their trade initiatives, financing training courses for 18 women from 2 different informal cooperatives and helping 30 female breeders and farmers buy the products and materials they need to see to their land and animals.

Support women working in Palestine, your help can make the difference!


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT Income Edge – miglioramento dei redditi e delle condizioni di vita per piccole produttrici nella Striscia di Gaza (Improving income and life conditions of small-scale female producers in the Gaza Strip)
AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT The Gaza Strip: 4 rural areas: Al-Magazi, Beit Lahya, Juhr Al-Deek and Beit Hanoun; 2 refugee camps: Ash-Shati, Deir Al-Balah
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT 48 working women and the 8 informal cooperatives employing them, from 4 rural areas and 2 refugee camps in the Gaza Strip

Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development

BFTA – Bethlehem Fair Trade Artisans

DATES OF THE PROJECT 01/01/2015 – 31/12/2015