SOS Fishing

Fishing in Cuba

Despite the fact that Cuba, the main island of the Greater Antilles, is not historically connected to fishing, it owns 50% of the priority ecosystems, 55% of the endemic species of the insular Caribbean sea and archipelagos of 44000 sq. km of sea areas, 6300 of which are protected. That’s why it is a strategic area for the safeguard of marine species with a commercial and conservation importance in all of the Caribbean.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT Sostenibilidad de las Pesquerías en un área clave de la cuenca del Caribe y mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las comunidades pesqueras
AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT Guayabal and Playa Florida (provinces of Las Tunas and Camaguey)

The direct beneficiaries are the populations of the Guayabal and Playa Florida communities (4.859 people), the administrative and technical personnel of the protected areas, of the CNAP and of the institutions which were involved on a local and national level; Local Governments (90 people).

In the medium and long term, the indirect beneficiaries are estimated to be the populations of Southern Cuba, Caiman Islands, the coast of the Yucatan peninsula and fisher groups in the Caribbean basin.

SUBJECTS THAT JOIN WORK GROUPS Stichting Het Wereld Natuur Fonds Nederland, La Empresa Nacional para la Protección de la Flora y la Fauna ENPFF, Il Dipartamento de Regulaciones pesqueras  del Ministero per la Industria Alimentare DC – MINAL; CITMA’s  local delegations (Ministry of science, Technology and Environment) in the provinces of Camagüey. On a regional level:  FAO, INVEMAR, Colombia.
PARTNERS Centro Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (CNAP)
DATES OF THE PROJECT January 2011  –   October 2015