Support and training of small-scale farmers

Backwardness and unemployment 

In Egypt, the population must tackle hard daily challenges. The constant political and social changes of the last few years led to a climate of severe instability and social insecurity, especially in the suburban areas, outside of great cities. Long-term problems add on to the progressive limitation of the rights of expression, association and demonstration: an increasing and widespread youth unemployment, a marked gender inequality but also widespread poverty and agricultural backwardness.

The project

The project “Support Rural Development” is active in four small peasant villages in the two governorates of Fayoum e Minya: the beneficiaries are 2000 small-scale farmers, which are directly supported by the project in their agricultural activities. The main objective is to improve the life condition of the four small-scale rural communities, to increase access to water services for about 300 families and to achieve a greater efficiency in the cultivation techniques and agriculture in the interested areas

With a small donation, you can support the various activities of the project: training courses for the 2000 small-scale farmers on interventions to improve irrigation systems, from the projects to ensure access to drinkable water to about 300 families to the creation of small peasants’ associations.

ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT Support Rural Development
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT Small-scale farmers in the four involved villages (10,252 people in total) and the entire population of the four villages (about 90,000 people)
PARTNERS Better life association for comprehensive development (BLACD); The specific federation for development, environment and safe agriculture; EuropeAid
DATES OF THE PROJECT From April 2013 to April 2015