Climate change in Europe

Climate change is affecting all regions of Europe, causing serious consequences on an environmental and social level. The last 10 years, determined a significant temperature increase, characterized by heat waves, floods and droughts which led to a general concern and acknowledgement within civil society.

COSPE’s project “Climate Change – Enhancing competences on relationship between MDG 1 and 7 as effective approach to meet both goals”, focuses mostly on young people from 4 different countries of the European Union: Italy, Germany, Poland and Malta. The project aims to the promotion and diffusion of sustainable development education and, within 3 years, to the strengthening of competences in the role of civil society’s good practices in the interested regions as far as sustainable agriculture in local communities (small-scale farmers), protection and conservation of natural resources for future generations are concerned, to minimize the impact of global climate change. Moreover, this intervention aims to improve the competences of European NGOs and farmer’s organizations on the connection between agriculture and climate change, which is often underestimated.

With your contribution you will support the many activities of the project Climate Change, like the many workshops that must be organised, local events, training courses, competitions and film festivals and the creation of a web site. All of these initiatives are fundamental to reach our objectives, and you can participate as well, to make a safest place out of our society and prepare it for the necessary change.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT Climate Change – Enhancing competences on relationship between MDG 1 and 7 as effective approach to meet both goals
AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT Italy, Germany, Poland and Malta
BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT European NGOs, European farmers, local committees on water and agriculture, civil society (young people in particular).
PARTNERS INKOTA-netzwerk; PGN – Alliance of Associations Polish Green Network; KOPIN (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta); The Marches region; AIAB – Associazione Italiana per l’Agricoltura Biologica (Italian association for organic farming); Comitato Italiano Contratto Mondiale sull’acqua-  (Italian committee on Water Global Contract) Non-profit organization.
DATES OF THE PROJECT From March 2013 to February 2016
PROJECT’S LOGO logo_climate_change_p