By making mistakes, we learn

In the last few years, Italian schools are undergoing great changes as far as integration is concerned. In fact, the number of foreign boys and girls who attend Italian schools is increasing year after year. This new condition needs an ever more participative and careful management. The title of the project, “Sbagliando si impara – Interventi sul territorio della Piana fiorentina per il reinserimento scolastico e socio-culturale di ragazzi d’origine straniera che hanno abbandonato la scuola” (“By making mistakes, we learn – interventions on the territory of the ‘Piana Fiorentina’ for the academic and socio-cultural reinsertion of students with foreign origin which dropped out of school), helps us to identify right away COSPE’s objectives in the support of schools in Florence, the town where its main office is located, and, above all, the town that presents the highest number of foreign students in Tuscany, over 15,991, equal to 11,9%. In particular, the project aims to help those families who are facing a situation of difficulty and marginalization, the sons and daughters of which are isolated, for administrative reasons or due to schools’ capacity. These families do not receive enough information on the inalienable right to education and accept to be included in ‘waiting lists’ that are often too long and slow.

That’s why COSPE started promoting workshops and animation in family places and intercultural educational and language workshops, to overcome these difficulties. The most sensitive and significant objective is to involve schools and families at the same time, to create a context of dialogue and cooperation within the many realities that surround young people living in Italy.

With your contribution, you will support the many activities of the project, like courses and workshops on the Italian language for young people in local meeting places and schools, or the organization of animation processes in Italian, Chinese, Arabic and Albanian aiming to decrease the dispersion of multilingualism potential and improve young peoples’ competences.

We need your help as well to make this project come true.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT By making mistakes, we learn – interventions on the territory of the ‘Piana Fiorentina’ for the academic and socio-cultural reinsertion of students with foreign origin which dropped out of school
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT At least 80 boys and girls between 12 and 18 years of age who dropped out of school (or who never got to access education); at least 120 students of middle school and secondary school in the city of Florence, their families and teachers.
LOCAL PARTNERS The comprehensive schools: “Gandhi” ; “Manzoni – Baracca” (Q5 FI), La Pira, (San Donnino); “Lucio Lombardo Radice” (Sesto Fiorentino); The training school “Sassetti Peruzzi” (Florence); The technical school “Leonardo Da Vinci” (Florence); Associazione di Interscambio Culturale Italia-Cina (Association for Cultural Interchange Italy-China); USSM (Ufficio dei Servizi Sociali per i Minori) (Minors’ Social Services office) in Florence
DATES OF THE PROJECT From November 2014 to November 2015