Intercultural communication in Emilia Romagna

Commitment to multicultiralism

The Region of Emilia-Romagna promotes initiatives of intercultural communication to favour the exchange among different cultures and dialogue between old and new citizens to strengthen social cohesion and create a plural community, open and respectful of rights and duties.  Moreover, in 2007, the Region of Emilia Romagna endorsed, under COSPE’s guidance, the ’Protocollo della comunicazione interculturale’ (Protocol on intercultural communication).

 The project

The project’s objectives are the improvement of the quality of information provided by local media on the themes of immigration and asylum, the promotion of direct involvement of migrants and refugees in the media, the contribution to the understanding of intercultural dynamics within the information society through young people. The project involves processes of counselling and supervision in the drawing up of the new regional Memorandum of Understanding on intercultural communication and activities related to three main fields: research, media education and actions to establish a contact between the immigration context and the local media.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT Azioni di sistema per lo sviluppo della comunicazione interculturale in Emilia Romagna (System-oriented actions for the development of intercultural communication in Emilia Romagna)
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT Journalists and media operators, public executives, students, school and citizenship institutions in the Region of Emilia Romagna 
PARTNERS Centro Zaffiria (Zaffiria Centre), Università di Bologna (Bologna university) – Political and social sciences department, Rete MIER – Intercultural Media, Emilia Romagna (MIER Network)
DATES OF THE PROJECT August 2013 – February 2015