Med Net

Civil Society and independent Media in the Mediterranean Countries

In the current historical period, characterized by political uncertainty and internal conflict, the freedom of expression and association, equal opportunities and the cooperation between civil society and media are crucial elements to allow the implementation of change and renovation in the single Countries and on a regional level.

The project                                           

The MED NET project, implemented in four Countries of the Mediterranean area in which COSPE has been working for over 15 years (Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco), aims to promote dialogue between civil society organizations and the new media, enhancing competences and affinities to allow the launch of information, training and lobby activities and campaigns on freedom of expression and association. In Egypt in particular, the project will support web radios created in 2011 by some young people’s groups in Cairo.


AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT Departements of Sidi Bouzid, Gafsa and Tunisi, Tunisia. Departements of Cairo and Giza, Egitto.
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT About 1000 direct beneficiaries
SUBJECTS THAT JOIN WORK GROUPS AMARC Europe (Association Mondiale des Radiodiffuseurs Communautaires)
LOCAL PARTNERS ALD – Association Liberté et Développement
DATES OF THE PROJECT June 2013 – December 2015