Multicultural Genoa

Data on foreign citizens in Italy is constantly increasing. Immigration, which is now a given, must be seen as an opportunity. The AAA project   (Ascolto Accoglienza Azioni Offresi) (We offer to listen, host and act) chose the Municipality of Genoa to develop an initiative of ‘InFormation” to improve local public services, helping demographic services operators working at the ‘Cittadino’ and ‘Informagiovani’ help desks, to strengthen their capabilities on the delicate theme of immigration. The municipality of Genoa has been implementing actions favouring foreigners since 1999, is part of the European Network Eurocities, which gathers many of the main European cities, and, lately, it has been committing to the London Charter which works towards integration in several cities in the European Union.

Communication is the key word to realize this project, because it is only through the exchange of information and experiences that integration and respect for the individuals’ identity can be achieved.

COSPE decided to do that through the training of those who work in close contact with immigrants which, in Genoa, are mostly employed in the tertiary sector, providing them with the necessary tools to face the involved challenges.

With your contribution you will support the many activities of the project, like the training and updating of operators working in the Municipality of Genoa on intercultural communication and immigration and discrimination laws. Help us to realize this integration and training project, so that we can recreate it elsewhere and make a more aware and welcoming place out of our Country.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT  Ascolto Accoglienza Azioni Offresi (AAA Offresi) (We offer to listen, host and act)
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT 268 Operators working in the Municipality of Genoa who were involved in the training activities; Citizens with foreign origin which benefit from public municipal services.
PARTNERS CNR in Genoa (Italian National Research Council)
DATES OF THE PROJECT From May 2014 to June 2015