Radio 3R

The first community radio in the Sidi Bouzid region (Centre of Tunisia)

Regueb, a city about 280 km away from Tunis, which had a crucial role in the Tunisian revolution, is characterized by a high unemployment rate. In this area, there is no freedom of information, all means of communication are concentrated in the hands of the subjects close to the Government and the capital. The main objective of young people working at Regueb Radio, online from the 9th of January 2013 at www., is to promote freedom of expression and pluralism for the Tunisian media.

The project

The community radio Regueb was conceived as a mean of mobilization and inclusion in the society for women and young people, creating a network with other independent local media.  The project aims to offer training possibility and job opportunities to young people and women in the information, communication and cultural sectors.  In cooperation with the Tunisian Union of Free Radios, they fight for the activation of a competent body for the granting of FM licenses and for the interruption of frequencies’ monopoly.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT RADIO 3 R «Regueb, Révolution, Renouveau». Soutien à l’information, l’insertion sociale et la valorisation culturelle des jeunes tunisiens de la région de Sidi Bouzid
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT The main beneficiaries of the project are young people from the Sidi Bouzid region, with a particular focus on the involvement of young women. The project aims to reach about 200.000 people who live in the Sidi Bouzid region, through radios and communication campaigns.
SUBJECTS THAT JOIN WORK GROUPS The Multimedia Agency for Social Information AMISnet and the Tunisian association Liberté et Développement
PARTNER ALD – Association Liberté et Développement
DATES OF THE PROJECT May 2012 – April 2014