Sustainable tourism in Nicaragua

Since 2007, COSPE has been working in several Countries for the promotion of sustainable tourism models related to holiday farms, environmental conservation and local development. This time it focused its intervention in Nicaragua, particularly in the Momotombo reserve.  The tourist attractions, especially in the rural areas, are not properly promoted as tourism products as far as infrastructures and services are concerned. That’s why COSPE commits to give its contribution to the development of Sustainable Tourism, to achieve poverty reduction as well, creating new jobs through the improvement of the local tourist offer.  With your contribution you can support the many activities of this project: training of local tourism entrepreneurs on the theme of Responsible Tourism and on marketing techniques at an international level; planning of a chain which considers natural, cultural and human resources and a series of services for tourists and their connection with the Ruta colonial y de los volcanes in the Momotombo Reserve; contribution to the realization of shows and activities of tourism offer promotion for the territory. Thanks for helping us carry out this project supporting a more responsible tourism, to give the Nicaraguan population an opportunity of inclusive growth.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT Gestión y Desarrollo Turístico Rural Sostenible en Momotombo
AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT Dipartimento di León, Municipio La Paz Centro, Momotombo – Nicaragua
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT Direct: 16 small-scale tourism enterprises of the AFOTUR Association at Momotombo municipio de La Paz Centro en el Departamento de León. Indirect: the population living in the Momotombo area.
DONORS European Union, Luxemburg Agency for Development Cooperation
DATES OF THE PROJECT From January 2014 to October 2015