Pro Swazi: local resources

Aids and poverty in rural communities

The main part of the population of Swaziland (over 70%) lives in rural communities but the communities’ average income is very low and has little influence on the national GDP (20%). AIDS, which still affects 26% of the adult population in Swaziland, deprived many families of the head of the family’s income, making the communities’ economic condition even more unstable. That’s why it is necessary to work on the existing considerable natural and environmental resources, that are not properly enhanced at present time.

The project

To develop a community sustainable economy favouring the most vulnerable population groups, throughout the years, COSPE developed a research activity for the economic enhancement of natural resources that are already exploited within informal economy such as agricultural products: sorghum, ‘tindluvu’ and ‘tinlhumayo’ beans, peanuts, cassava, sweet potato and NWFPs.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT Pro-Swazi: promotion of rural opportunities in Swaziland
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT 10 peasants’ associations in as many rural communities, for a total number of 300 people (80% of which are women), 120 people in a condition of vulnerability, 240 young people
PARTNERS Swaziland National Agricultural Union (SNAU), Unione Comuni della Garfagnana (Union of the city councils of Garfagnana)
DATES OF THE PROJECT February 2013 – January 2017