Light steps

A Space for Women

It is called “Passi Leggeri” (“Light Steps”) and it is the first women’s centre created by COSPE in Scutari, a city in Northern Albania, in 2011. Conceived to be a public space of aggregation, it also  offers training courses, a service of children’s recreation and nursery, activities of catering and crafts, legal and psychological counselling for women who survived domestic violence. To this day, it employs about 10 female operators and welcomes each year hundreds of women and their children.

The project

The project was initially financed by the Human Development Programme PASARP-UNOPS and by Italian Local Bodies: The Region of Tuscany, The region of Emilia Romagna and the Council of Forlì. Then by projects financed by the Italian Cooperation and EU Funds. Since November 2003 the managing group of the Women’s Centre “Passi Leggeri” (“Light Steps”) created a local association of women in Scutari which, to this day, manages the Women’s Centre and its activities.


BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT 10 operators of the Centre. The indirect beneficiaries are all the women living in the area of Scutari that benefit from the services offered by the centre.
SUBJECTS THAT JOIN WORK GROUPS Independent Forum of Albanian Women, Refleksione, Family planning association
PARTNERS Women’s association “Passi Leggeri” (“Light Steps”), The Municipality and prefecture of Shkodra
DATES OF THE PROJECT The centre has been active since 2000