A new women’s centre in Jendouba

Women unemployment

The Jendouba Governorate, in the North West of Tunisia, is one of the most marginalized areas of the Country, where women’s unemployment rate is one of the highest. This region is essentially based on agriculture and most women live in poverty and insecurity conditions. 

The project

A multipurpose centre, a public and private space at the same time, a meeting place for women equipped with a library, a coffee bar, an internet room and a space for children.  To ensure its self-management and self-financing, the Centre also offers new job opportunities for women through the construction of cooperatives and micro-enterprises: 20 micro-enterprises will benefit from a technical and economic coaching with management consultants.

ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT Centre Femme Solidarité : soutien à l’inclusion et à l’économie sociale féminines dans le Gouvernorat de Jendouba
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT: 12 women of the staff, 200 young women and 400 unemployed women, 20 groups of women. The total number of beneficiaries will be 210.000 people from the Jendouba Governorate.
PARTNER   AFTURD – Association des Femmes Tunisiennes pour la Recherche et le Développement
DATES OF THE PROJECT May 2012 – April 2014