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By making mistakes, we learn

In the last few years, Italian schools are undergoing great changes as far as integration is concerned. In fact, the number of foreign boys and girls who attend Italian schools is increasing year after year. This new condition needs an ever…
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Precious lives

Women’s rights– precious and violated In Afghanistan, a Country where conflict and violence have been raging for over 30 years and where fundamentalism adds on to a military occupation of international forces which has been lasting for 10…
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Un orto contro l’AIDS

Prevenzione e cura della malattia. Dalla parte delle donne.   In Senegal è nella regione di Ziguinchor che si concentra il maggior numero di persone che hanno contratto il virus dell’HIV/AIDS, in maggioranza donne, nella fascia di età…
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Radio 3R

The first community radio in the Sidi Bouzid region (Centre of Tunisia) Regueb, a city about 280 km away from Tunis, which had a crucial role in the Tunisian revolution, is characterized by a high unemployment rate. In this area, there is…
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A new women’s centre in Jendouba

Women unemployment The Jendouba Governorate, in the North West of Tunisia, is one of the most marginalized areas of the Country, where women’s unemployment rate is one of the highest. This region is essentially based on agriculture and…
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Med Net

Civil Society and independent Media in the Mediterranean Countries In the current historical period, characterized by political uncertainty and internal conflict, the freedom of expression and association, equal opportunities and the cooperation…
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Daedalus Tunisia

Youth and unemployment in the Mediterranean area Youth unemployment is one of the increasingly growing emergencies in the Mediterranean area, in those European Union Countries, like Greece, Italy and Spain, in which policies couldn’t solve…
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Support to the social and health system in the Kasserine Governorate

Tunisia, the Mediterranean side of Africa and a land rich in products and raw materials, is living a period of strong political and economic instability, mostly due to the so called “Arab spring”,  which led to the fall of the ten-year…
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Together for the women and children in the Kasserine hospital

Tunisia, the nerve centre of Maghreb and area of origin of the so called “Arab spring”(which led to the overthrowing of many dictators in the Mediterranean), is still living a complicated phase of political and economic transition in the…