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By making mistakes, we learn

In the last few years, Italian schools are undergoing great changes as far as integration is concerned. In fact, the number of foreign boys and girls who attend Italian schools is increasing year after year. This new condition needs an ever…
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BRICKS – Stop online racism

Nowadays, the internet is the main mean of communication and information, that’s the reason why it is necessary to acquire greater control and acknowledgement on it. “BRICKS – Building Respect on the Internet by Combating hate Speech”, is…
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Climate change in Europe

Climate change is affecting all regions of Europe, causing serious consequences on an environmental and social level. The last 10 years, determined a significant temperature increase, characterized by heat waves, floods and droughts which led…
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Multicultural Genoa

Data on foreign citizens in Italy is constantly increasing. Immigration, which is now a given, must be seen as an opportunity. The AAA project   (Ascolto Accoglienza Azioni Offresi) (We offer to listen, host and act) chose the Municipality…
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Intercultural communication in Emilia Romagna

Commitment to multicultiralism The Region of Emilia-Romagna promotes initiatives of intercultural communication to favour the exchange among different cultures and dialogue between old and new citizens to strengthen social cohesion and create…
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T.I.D.E. Towards Inclusive Development Education

“TIDE -Towards Inclusive Development Education” promoted in Italy by AIAS Bologna (non-profit organization) and COSPE, is a European project that involves Italy, Wales, Finland and Hungary, aiming to achieve the active involvement of young…
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Parlez-vous global?

School and global development COSPE’s project ”Parlez-vous global?” was created to enhance the competences of teachers and students of secondary schools in Europe on the problems of global development, introducing the themes of  migration…
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CIRDI – Information Centre on Racism and Discrimination in Italy

Information against discrimination The Information Centre on Racism and Discrimination in Italy  ( is a web portal that was created to spread information on the results of the many activities that COSPE has been implementing…