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Med Net

Civil Society and independent Media in the Mediterranean Countries In the current historical period, characterized by political uncertainty and internal conflict, the freedom of expression and association, equal opportunities and the cooperation…
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A network of young people and women for democracy

Palestine, which has been subjected to a military occupation for many years, is living one of the most dramatic phases in its recent history. In spite of that, the Country offers many development  opportunities, and over half of its population…
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A concrete aid for the European Gaza Hospital in Palestine

The Gaza Strip, after the latest Israeli attack in July 2014, is facing a situation of actualhumanitarian crisis, with over 2100 civilians killed, 500 of which were children, wrecked buildings, and water supply and sewerage systems almost completely…
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Feminine crafts as an instrument of sustainable growth in Palestine

Palestine, which has been undergoing a heavy economic embargo for many years now, suffers from a high unemployment rate, especially among women in the Gaza Strip, where just one woman out of 10 is employed. COSPE, which has been working in…
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For a safe and solidarity diet in Palestine

Palestine, which is undergoing an oppressive military occupation heavily limiting the development of its main economic activities, is facing an increasing difficulty to access food, not only as far the less developed areas or the poorest population…