Quello che segue ? un testo che chiede l’immediato reintegro della deputata Malalai Joya nel parlamento afghano.
Vi chiediamo di sottoscrivere (indicando l’eventuale ente, associazione o gruppo di appartenza…) ed inviare alle persone e istituzioni indicateci dal Comitato di Difesa per Malalai Joya .
Naturalmente, pi? lettere di sostegno verranno inviate e pi? la sua sicurezza sar? garantita pertanto vi chiediamo la massima diffusione dell’appello.
Il Comitato prega inoltre di inviare una copia di ogni altro eventuale messaggio di solidariet? a Malalai e di protesta per la sua espulsione a: mj@malalaijoya.com
Grazie per la collaborazione,
Debora Picchi
CISDA (Coordinamento Italiano Sostegno Donne Afghane)
Le lettere di protesta devono essere inviate ai seguenti indirizzi:
President Hamid Karzai
Supreme Court of Afghanistan
Afghanistan’s Parliament
Interior Ministry
Justice Ministry of Afghanistan

25th May 2007

Dear Sir,

I express my support and solidarity to Mrs. Malalai Joya, member of the Wolesi Jirga, who, since long time, is one of the best examples of resistance of women against Taliban, fundamentalism and defence of human and women’s rights.

Malalai Joya has been internationally famous since 2003, when she spoke at the Loya Jirga, accusing many of the elected members of being war criminals, and already this speech meant 4 attempts to her life and many death threats, intimidations and, just one year ago, one physical aggression within the Parliament.

On 21st May 2007 Malalai Joya, 29 years old, has been suspended by the Parliament of Afghanistan after an interview on TV in which she exposed once more the war criminals that are present in the Parliament. She has been also directed the Interior Ministry to restrict her movements to within the country. This means she is not allowed to travel outside Afghanistan.
Moreover the Parliament ordered the High Court to file a case against her.

This is strongly damaging to the freedom of expression.

Malalai Joya is very well known in Italy, and since long time many people here appreciate her work and commitment for Afghan people. When she exposes members of the Afghan Parliament she is telling the truth, as shown in many reports written by international organizations for the protection of human rights like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

For the above reasons I ask you to do your best to cancel the resolution of the Parliament that has expelled Malalai Joya from the Assembly and also to do your best to guarantee her security which is further compromised after the last events.
Best Regards,