Gender Experts consultants

COSPE  – Co-operation for the Development of Emerging Countries is a non profit association (Onlus) operating in the field of international co-operation and solidarity, recognized as a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Union.


COSPE is looking for Gender Experts consultants for its projects and activities all over the world, both for short-term and long-term assignments. The selected CVs will be added to our roster and the candidate will be contacted whenever the profile should be considered suitable for a project.



– Academic education, at least Bachelor´s degree or equivalent


– At least three years working experience in one or more of the following fields:


  • Gender mainstreaming
  • Women’s economic empowerment and working conditions
  • Women’s political participation and influence 
  • Sexual and reproductive health and rights and education
  • Women’s security including gender based violence and trafficking in human beings


The following additional experiences will also be appreciated:

  • Interactions with local NSAs, local authorities, both traditional and governmental
  • Works with rural communities
  • Professional experience on gender responsive programming in development and post-conflict settings
  • Proven experience leading action learning processes, developing gender training tools, and delivering trainings on gender-responsive programming
  • Expertise in the gender aspects of climate change and CIF-related sectors
  • Proven knowledge and experience with networks in gender and development fields
  • Knowledge and experience on gender in food security and livelihoods and gender sensitive technological approaches to different agro-ecological and socio-economic contexts
  • Professional experience in gender analysis, research and advocacy skills, conducting gender impact assessments and/or designing/implementing gender and development projects
  • Knowledge of the practices of major bilateral and multilateral partner development agencies


In case of interest in joining our roster of experts, please send your CV and a motivation letter either in English, Spanish or French to the e-mail address with subject “Gender Expert 2015”


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