A strong civil society for a free and democratic Afghanistan

The lack of rights and the courage of the activists  

The Afghan context is one of the most difficult and dangerous, characterized by a serious lack of respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms and in which human rights, in particular women and children’s rights, are regularly violated. Devastated by a long and perennial war, today the Country is one of the poorest nations in the world, in which gender inequality level is still among the highest.   Things are slowly changing, thanks to the creation of the first national judicial system as well; nevertheless the crimes that are reported do not get justice in court, also due to the lack of attorneys to properly represent the victims and assert their rights.

The project

The project “Afghanistan Human Rights Action and Mobilisation” aims to enhance the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in Afghanistan and support and protect human rights and their defenders by reinforcing their capabilities and offering tangible support and means of action to the Afghan civil society for the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The action involves the creation of ‘safe spaces’ for the defenders of human rights and an international campaign led by the Afghan media and Human Rights Organizations on the situation of human rights through information and production for the media and policy makers.

With your contribution you will concretely support the creation of protected areas for the defenders of human rights and the awareness-raising campaign. For a democratic Afghanistan at last.



ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJEC AHRAM Afghanistan Human Rights Action and Mobilisation
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT 40 defenders of human rights; 300 members of the Judicial system and police officers; 5 independent media; 200 journalists; 1000 community members (committees, schools, universities); 5000 women and children victims of abuse
LOCAL PARTNERS Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and Children of Afghanistan (HAWCA); Civil Society and Human Rights Organization
DATES OF THE PROJECT: From November 2014 to October 2017