BRICKS – Stop online racism

Nowadays, the internet is the main mean of communication and information, that’s the reason why it is necessary to acquire greater control and acknowledgement on it.

“BRICKS – Building Respect on the Internet by Combating hate Speech”, is a project by COSPE that aims to fight racism and discrimination in Europe and on the web. The huge exploitation of social networks by young people’s groups must be thoroughly considered as, like it emerged from the last ENAR shadow report, social media and social networking websites have become a fertile soil for the diffusion of xenophobia, Islamophobia and anti-Semite and racist speeches (the internet has the highest incidence of racist behaviour in the world: it reached 84%).

The project aims to fight the diffusion of hate speeches against migrants and minorities through media literacy and active involvement of web users and people who produce web contents. On this matter, see the final part of the document “Web hate speeches challenges” produced by FRA (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights) and the general principles of the “Joint declaration on freedom of expression and the Internet” (Osce), which declared that “self-regulation can be an effective tool to rectify harmful speeches, and it should be promoted”.

With your contribution you will support the many activities of the project: the participation to European meetings with the managers of social media, online newspapers and magazines to exchange experiences and knowledge about the management of racist messages, participatory workshops for the definition of training modules, national public awareness-raising events, training modules through workshops in secondary schools and youth centres and the final European event at the InternetFestival in Pisa.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJEC BRICKS – Building Respect on the Internet by Combating hate Speech
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT 700 young people between 14 and 19 years of age, 30 educators, 90 involved subjects (teachers, educators, web experts and migrant activists of 2nd generation) and 15 managers of social media.
LOCAL PARTNERS Media Animation, Zaffiria, Grimme Institut, Afies, MKC
DATES OF THE PROJECT: From November 2014 to October 2016