Sustainable development and fight against poverty

In Egypt, daily life is not easy in many parts of the Country: the current period of political transition led to innovation spurs as well as to a marked social insecurity. In suburban areas in particular, the economic discomfort is still strong:  many Egyptian families must face a high unemployment rate (especially for young people) and serious gender inequalities (women illiteracy rate is over 60%). In particular, to this day, women are marginalized as far as employment is concerned, (only 25% of them has a job) and their rights are jeopardized by an increasingly noticeable Islamic fundamentalist drift in the Country.

The project

The BRAVO project (Building Rural Assets with Valuable Opportunities) works in the Fayoum Governorate area and aims to fight against poverty and support women and  unemployed young people’s inclusion in the employment sector, operating, in particular, in the three key-sectors of the Country: tourism, manufacturing sector and agriculture. The project’s activities range from the Fayoum region promotion as an eco-tourism area, to the small-scale artisans and other local manufacturing activities’ support, from training courses on biological production techniques for local farmers, to the reinforcement of job opportunities for women and unemployed young people.

With your support you will contribute to the acknowledgement in Egypt of women and young people’s rights to work and equality.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJEC BRAVO (Building Rural Assets with Valuable Opportunities)
AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT Egypt: Fayoum Governorate, Districts of Youssef Siddiq, Abshaway, Etsa, Sennoures, Villages of Nazla, Quta, Tunis, al Alaam, Abu Ghandeer, Abheet
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT Local producers, unemployed young people, women marginalized form the employment sector.
DATES OF THE PROJECT: From June 2013 to June 2016