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Precious lives

Women’s rights– precious and violated In Afghanistan, a Country where conflict and violence have been raging for over 30 years and where fundamentalism adds on to a military occupation of international forces which has been lasting for 10…
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Together for the women and children in the Kasserine hospital

Tunisia, the nerve centre of Maghreb and area of origin of the so called “Arab spring”(which led to the overthrowing of many dictators in the Mediterranean), is still living a complicated phase of political and economic transition in the…
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Freshwater fishing support

Towards a new and sustainable economic development In Tunisia, important processes of institutional reforms and civil society involvement in development strategies are starting, to fight the growing unemployment, in particular among young…
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Create sustainable employment through social economy

Uncertain economy and hopes for the future Tunisia is one of the leading Countries in the Arab Spring. There, young people mostly ask for jobs and future, but their job placement is hampered by the uncertainty and indeterminateness of the…
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The strength of the Swazi civil society

Aids and poverty in rural communities The main part of the population of Swaziland (over 70%) lives in rural communities but the communities’ average income is very low and has little influence on the national GDP (20%). AIDS, which still…
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BRICKS – Stop online racism

Nowadays, the internet is the main mean of communication and information, that’s the reason why it is necessary to acquire greater control and acknowledgement on it. “BRICKS – Building Respect on the Internet by Combating hate Speech”, is…
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A network of young people and women for democracy

Palestine, which has been subjected to a military occupation for many years, is living one of the most dramatic phases in its recent history. In spite of that, the Country offers many development  opportunities, and over half of its population…
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CIRDI – Information Centre on Racism and Discrimination in Italy

Information against discrimination The Information Centre on Racism and Discrimination in Italy  (http://www.cirdi.org) is a web portal that was created to spread information on the results of the many activities that COSPE has been implementing…
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For a safe and solidarity diet in Palestine

Palestine, which is undergoing an oppressive military occupation heavily limiting the development of its main economic activities, is facing an increasing difficulty to access food, not only as far the less developed areas or the poorest population…