Sustainable development and fight against poverty

Angola is a Country marked by a tormented past of wars and conflicts, which led to unemployment, poverty and unexploded mines throughout the territory at present time; despite the fact that the Country is rich in natural resources (from diamonds to gas, from oil to forests), 60% of the population lives below the poverty line, and the child mortality rate is still very high.

In this context, one of the few development perspectives is the production of agricultural and forest products, which is closely related to the many forests present in the African Country: a perspective that must be handled through a sustainable and community approach and which is currently jeopardized by intensive exploitation.

The PIPDEFA project (Integrated programme for the protection and development of Angolan forests) was launched to contribute to poverty reduction for the Angolan people and, at the same time, to promote the sustainable use of forests in the Country for rural and local communities.   To do this, the project will involve many activities which range from the training of local communities’ members on the sustainable management of forests to the creation of local cooperatives of small-scale producers and initiatives for literacy and job placement, in particular for the most vulnerable population groups, like young people and women.  4 forest communities, for a total of 600 families, technicians and local bureaucrats of 4 municipalities are involved.

With your support, you will contribute to finance the creation of small cooperatives for local producers, the training of technicians and administrators but also initiatives of literacy for young people and support to women empowerment.   

Together we will be able to fight against poverty in Angola and, at the same time, to promote the fragile forest heritage.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJEC PIPDEFA (Integrated programme for the protection and development of Angolan forests)

IDF technicians, on a national level and from the Benguela and Kwanza Sul premises and from 3 municipalities (Cela, Ganda, Cubal);

4 forest communities, particularly coal producers, apiculturers and NEFPs users, for a total of 600 families.

DATES OF THE PROJECT: April 2014 – March 2017