CIRDI – Information Centre on Racism and Discrimination in Italy

Project website:

Information against discrimination

The Information Centre on Racism and Discrimination in Italy  ( is a web portal that was created to spread information on the results of the many activities that COSPE has been implementing for many years on the themes of fighting against racism and discrimination on a local and national level, through the public opinion.

The project

Through its website, CIRDI (Information Centre on Racism and Discrimination in Italy), allows people that are part of minority groups, activists, sector experts or anyone else who is interested in getting all the necessary information on existing regulations to oppose discriminatory actions based on the (sometimes presumed) belonging to a specific group identified by race, ethnicity, nationality or religion. The gathering of information and the centre’s research activity is a qualified service provided to civil society and victims of discrimination as well as a service for local, national and international institutions that implement policies and actions in line with the project.



ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJEC CIRDI – Centro di Informazione su Razzismo e Discriminazioni in Italia (Information Centre on Racism and Discrimination in Italy)
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT All of those who are interested in being constantly updated on facts and episodes of discrimination and racism in Italy, (real or potential) victims of racism or discriminatory and/or racist actions, associations, NGOs, public bodies, universities, research centres and experts on the theme.
DATES OF THE PROJECT: February 2013 – February 2014