CLOSER GOVERNANCE: strengthening the participatory planning in the Western Region of Ghana

The democratic Ghana towards decentralization

Country of origin of one of the most important and rich Sub-Saharan empires, Ghana is, to this day,  one of themost organized and developed African Countries from an institutional and political point of view as well as from the social and economic one.

In 1992, after decades of problems and internal conflicts, political forces created a well devised and articulated national constitution, leaving enough space for multipartyism and administrative decentralization, a fact which led the Country to be the second more successful Nation in Africa.

The project

In this context, the Western Regional Coordinating Committee which had a crucial role in the understanding of citizens’ needs and necessities, assumed in 1993 a fundamental politic role, thanks to the new legislation.

That’s why COSPE decided to actively intervene with a project to strengthen the current political and administrative decentralization process in the Country, allowing local public executives to learn the techniques and practises for a better management and organization of the citizens’ urgent requests and emergencies.  In particular, the project is working on three different guidelines: implement a series of training courses for local personnel to plan and organize regional development programmes, launch some workshops and events for the Western region’s associations and develop and organize a regional forum on “good governance”.

With your precious contribution you will support Ghanaian citizens by financing a series of 3 day-training courses on organization and local development plans, learning activities which will include the exchange of experiences between Tuscan experts and Ghanaian administrators and 9 workshops which will involve 500 members of the local communities on the themes of poverty and sustainable development.

Support Ghanaian citizens and regional committees, your help can make the difference!


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJEC CLOSER GOVERNANCE: strengthening the participatory planning in the Western Region of Ghana
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT 12 members of the Western Regional Coordinating Committee, 264 public employees, 132 local executives, 45 groups of civil society, 500 local community representatives and 30 traditional leaders
LOCAL PARTNERS Western Regional Coordinating Council, Integrated Social Development Centre
DATES OF THE PROJECT: From February 2014 to July 2016