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CLOSER GOVERNANCE: strengthening the participatory planning in the Western Region of Ghana

The democratic Ghana towards decentralization Country of origin of one of the most important and rich Sub-Saharan empires, Ghana is, to this day,  one of themost organized and developed African Countries from an institutional and political…
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Water Citizen

Life condition in the Nzema area Ghana is a growing Country, but, to this day, the main challenge that this democratic State, which was classified as a “medium development” Country,  has to tackle is the serious and persistent internal…
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Sustainable development and fight against poverty

In Egypt, daily life is not easy in many parts of the Country: the current period of political transition led to innovation spurs as well as to a marked social insecurity. In suburban areas in particular, the economic discomfort is still strong: …
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Sustainable development and fight against poverty

Angola is a Country marked by a tormented past of wars and conflicts, which led to unemployment, poverty and unexploded mines throughout the territory at present time; despite the fact that the Country is rich in natural resources (from diamonds…
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Mancomunidad De Todos

In Ecuador lavoriamo nelle Provincie di Carchi, Imbabura, Sucumbìos e Esmeraldas, che compongono la Mancomunidad del Norte del Ecuador. Si tratta di un’area strategica trattandosi di un’area di frontiera con la Colombia e il Perù, e di…
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A strong civil society for a free and democratic Afghanistan

The lack of rights and the courage of the activists   The Afghan context is one of the most difficult and dangerous, characterized by a serious lack of respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms and in which human rights, in particular…
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Via lactea: small-scale cooperatives and food sovereignty

Ensure food sovereignty in Cuba. The Cuban population, troubled by the embargo imposed by the United States for decades and by a stagnating economy, is facing serious economic problems, which range from the lack of basic consumption goods…
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Biodiversità e tutela dei prodotti tipici

Nonostante sia una delle economie crescenti, il Brasile è ancora alle prese con numerosi problemi irrisolti: dall’alta disoccupazione ad una deforestazione galoppante, dall'insicurezza urbana alla diseguaglianza sociale ed economica,…