For a safe and solidarity diet in Palestine

Palestine, which is undergoing an oppressive military occupation heavily limiting the development of its main economic activities, is facing an increasing difficulty to access food, not only as far the less developed areas or the poorest population groups of the Country are concerned.

That’s why COSPE is in the front line, beside Palestinian farmers, with a project aiming to increase and improve food production in the most suburban and dry areas of the West Bank.  In particular, the project involves the realization of micro-vegetable gardens, the implementation of a ‘school farm’ to teach local farmers farming techniques that can be reproduced by their families and the development of some experimental crops of barley and wheat to grant food security to the population living in dry and barren areas.

With your precious contribution you will support young people and farmers form Palestine in the development of a safe and sustainable agriculture, financing the necessary technical assistance to realize over 40 vegetable gardens and micro-gardens, the formation and construction of the ‘school farm’ and the organization of some informative meetings in Palestinian schools to develop an actual ‘food culture’ and make responsible consumers out of young people.

Support Palestinian children and farmers, your help can make the difference! 


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJEC PALESTINA PASS. Per un’Alimentazione Sicura e Solidale in Palestina (For a Safe and Solidarity Diet in Palestine)
AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT Governorates of Bethlehem (Villages of Zatara, Marah, Mu’alla and Artas), Jericho (villages of Aluja, Aljeflic, Foush and Beit Dajan) and Hebron (villages of Tarqumia, Kharas, Soreef and Beni Neim)
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT 200 people belonging to 40 families that are able to provide for themselves in 4 villages of the Governorate of Bethlehem, 50 people from 8 families of small farmers able to access the local market, 100 people belonging to three agricultural cooperatives that are able to produce goods for export.
LOCAL PARTNERS PARC (Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee), PYU (Palestinian Youth Union), (Which involves Radio 24FM as well), BFTA (Bethlehm Fair Trade Artisans)
DATES OF THE PROJECT: From October 2014 to September 2016