Freshwater fishing support

Towards a new and sustainable economic development

In Tunisia, important processes of institutional reforms and civil society involvement in development strategies are starting, to fight the growing unemployment, in particular among young people and women, and the strong unbalances between coastal areas and inland areas.

The project

COSPE has been working in this country since 1994 and, to this day, it is promoting projects that focus on biological agriculture, rural tourism, traditional crafts, cultural activities and local associations support. As far as the fishing sector is concerned, there has been a strong decrease in the product’s quantity, because of the strong pressure the sea environment has been exposed to; in fact, the development of continental acquaculture contributes to food requirements and income support in the inland regions.

The FAD (Strengthening of the freshwater fishing chain in Tunisia) project, involves young people, fishers and women in the regions of Tabarka, El Kef, Béja and Siliana in Tunisia, to contribute to the improvement of the fishing sector, one of the main economic activities in the Country.

With your contribution you will support the fishers, women and young people’s organizations that are working to launch activities of inclusive and social economy and the creation of new income opportunities starting from the sustainable enhancement of local resources.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT FAD. Rafforzamento della filiera della pesca d’acqua dolce in Tunisia (Strengthening of the freshwater fishing chain in Tunisia)
AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT FOR GEOLOCATION Tunisia del Nord-Ovest (Governatorati di Jendouba, El Kef, Béja e Siliana)
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT I pescatori, i giovani e le donne nel settore della pesca e delle attività integrative nei governatorati di Jendouba, El Kef, Siliana e Beja
LOCAL PARTNERS Il GIPP (Groupement Interprofessionnel Produits de la Pêche); L’Union des Diplômés Chômeurs (UDC).
DATES OF THE PROJECT Dal 01 Aprile 2014 al 28 febbraio 2017