Water Citizen

Life condition in the Nzema area

Ghana is a growing Country, but, to this day, the main challenge that this democratic State, which was classified as a “medium development” Country,  has to tackle is the serious and persistent internal unbalances, especially in the access to common goods and basic services (education, health, hygiene, drinkable water) for rural communities, in particular for the population living in the Nzema area (South East area of the Country), afflicted by unrestrained urbanization, lack of infrastructures and services, insufficient accessibility to common goods.

The project

The main objective of the project is to improve the life condition of the Nzema population, with which COOSPE has been working for 13 years, and increase the organizations and civil society’s capability to participate in the public decision making process, and ask for an effective delivery of public services, focusing on water resources in particular.   On a small scale, the project implements activities of local development, development of systems monitoring the hygiene of water and its planning and participatory management and, at the same time, some forums on the right to water will be organized, in cooperation with local platforms and organizations.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJEC Water Citizens: Promoting Partecipaory Policy Making And Effective Service Delivery On Water And Sanitation
AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT Nzema Region, Jomoro district
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT Population living in the Nzema area (250,000 inhabitants)
DATES OF THE PROJECT: February 2014 – January 2017