A network of young people and women for democracy

Palestine, which has been subjected to a military occupation for many years, is living one of the most dramatic phases in its recent history. In spite of that, the Country offers many development  opportunities, and over half of its population is made up of young people, eager to participate in the construction of a more fair and impartial society. That’s why COSPE is in the front line, beside Palestinian women and young people.  In particular, the project aims to create two joint assemblies made up of representatives of local authorities and civil society, improving the life conditions of rural communities as well.  But COSPE’s commitment goes beyond that: in fact, the project promotes a series of training courses for young people and women on the themes of human rights and gender equity as well, aiming to strengthen the awareness of new generations and restoring real hope for the Country’s future.

With your precious contribution you can actively participate in this change, financing several training courses for 750 young people and women on the theme of human rights and gender rights and the launch of a contest among 45 young entrepreneurs, to develop an innovative and productive idea. Support young people and women from Palestine, your help can make the difference!


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT Empowering youth and young women through enhanced partnership between CSOs and Local Authorities in OPT
AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT Occupied Palestinian territories – West Bank –Salfeet area – 9 villages (Salfeet, Iskaka, Yasuf, Jamma’in, Kilf Hareth, Dayr Istya, Sarata, Buruqin, Kufr Al-diek) – Governorate of Jerusalem (Bayt Iksa, Nabi Samuil, Bayt Surik, Bidu, Bayt Inan, Bayt Duqu)
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT 40 local subjects in the Governorates of Salfeet and Jerusalem, 300 members of civil society organizations, 750 young people and women from local communities 45 young entrepreneurs
LOCAL PARTNERS Palestinian Youth Union
DATES OF THE PROJECT  01/01/2014 – 31/12/2016