Create sustainable employment through social economy

Uncertain economy and hopes for the future

Tunisia is one of the leading Countries in the Arab Spring. There, young people mostly ask for jobs and future, but their job placement is hampered by the uncertainty and indeterminateness of the socio-political and economic situation in these 3 Countries. Nevertheless, in the last 2 years, many new associations were created in Tunisia, all characterized by a great spur for change, a greater social inclusion and a renewed dialogue with local institutions.

The project 

The “IESS” project promotes employment through the development of social economy solidarity, a source of social cohesion, focusing on the disadvantaged regions of Tunisia (Governorates of Jendouba, Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid, Mahdia).

With your contribution you will support the training on economic rights and values, on ESS (Social and Inclusive Economy) and business plan, the granting of 8 incubation spaces, commercialization and commercial exhibitions, and contribute to the creation of sustainable employment for young people and women through the launch and reinforcement of small and medium enterprises.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT IESS, Initiatives d’Emploi en Economie Sociale et Solidaire en Tunisie
AREAS INTERESTED BY THE PROJECT Governorates of Jendouba, Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid and Mahdia – Tunisia
BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT Small and medium enterprise workers and their families
PARTNERS Innovacion Economia Social en la Mediterrania, SCEL; Chambre Regionale de L Economie Sociale et Solidaire Provence‐Alpes‐Côte d Azur (CRESS PACA); Tunisian Center for Social Entrepreneurship; Office de Developpement du Centre Ouest, ODCO.
DATES OF THE PROJECT From  October 2014 to October 2017