Together for the women and children in the Kasserine hospital

Tunisia, the nerve centre of Maghreb and area of origin of the so called “Arab spring”(which led to the overthrowing of many dictators in the Mediterranean), is still living a complicated phase of political and economic transition in the context of which, some fundamental human rights such as access to healthcare and medical services, are jeopardized.    

That’s why COSPE is at the forefront, together with the Tunisian population, working to achieve the development of health care capacity at the Kasserine hospital, the only centre of the region where it is possible to perform articulated and complex surgeries.

In particular, the project aims to reorganize the maternal and child department and make it more efficient, so that it can offer better care to Tunisian mothers and their children.  The actions involved by the project, aim to improve the level of the central sterile services department as well, to decrease infection-related risks, especially caused by an inaccurate sterilization of the equipment and operating environment.

With your precious contribution you will directly support young Tunisian mothers and theirchildren, financing the purchase of new medical equipment which will allow a proper sterilization and the implementation of training courses to make sure that the local personnel is fully prepared in the neonatal and prenatal fields.

Support Tunisian mothers, children and doctors in their daily activities, your help can make the difference! 


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT Support to the social and health system in the Kasserine Governorate
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT Personnel of the Kasserine hospital, especially people working in the central sterile services department and in the maternal and child health department
LOCAL PARTNERS Kasserine hospital
DATES OF THE PROJECT  01/08/2013 – 31/07/2015