Precious lives

Women’s rights– precious and violated In Afghanistan, a Country where conflict and violence have been raging for over 30 years and where fundamentalism adds on to a military occupation of international forces which has been lasting for 10 years, women’s condition is particularly worrying: gender inequality is increasing, the social exclusion of women and the violation of their rights are still very common in all fields (health, education, access to justice, economic opportunities and political representation).

The project

The “Centre for Women’s literacy and professional training” in Kabul, from which 800 women have already benefited, was created thanks to the cooperation between COSPE and OPAWC (Organization of Promoting Afghan Women’s Capabilities). Moreover, this year, a help desk managed by HAWCA, specialized in the support of women victims of violence, and the psychological and social counselling of victims of violence, was activated, introducing new services and activities for women involved with the Centre. This new help desk, already assisted 90 women providing targeted psychological assistance, juridical counselling and healthcare services.


ORIGINAL NAME OF THE PROJECT: Precious Lives – Integrated process to give Afghan women their dignity back)
LOCAL PARTNERS: Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and Children of Afghanistan (HAWCA)
DATES OF THE PROJECT:  From March 2014 to February 2017